Gerald Griffin
11 products
Gerald Griffin has exhibited at several major venues around the country, such as, The Studio Museum in New York, The SOHO Gallery District, The National Black Fine Arts Show in New York, The Delaware Museum of Art, The Art Institute of Chicago, The DuSable Museum of African American History, Governors State University Gallery, and The Columbus Ohio school of Art and Design. His work can be found in many public and private collections, such as, The Art Museum of Greater Lafayette,IN, The DuSable Museum of African American History, Signature Management Corp., 4th Presbyterian Church on Michigan Ave., IL and UCAN Corporation.
Individual collectors include:
Former United States President, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Jackson, Oprah Winfrey, Chris Gardner, comedians Steve Har-vey and Adele Givens, actor Wesley Snipes, NBA players Hollis Copeland and Lind-sey Hunter and recording artists, Mavis Staples, Jennifer Holiday and Will Downing.
The artist has been featured in a number of media and publications including, Art News, Art Forum International, Décor Magazine, Valentine New York, Images Magazine, Homes of Color, Indigo Magazine, The New York Times/ Arts Section, The Chicago Tribune/ Feature Story and The Chicago Sun Times/Arts section. His list of awards include:
• 1st place at Black Creativity , the national juried art competition of the Museum of Science and Industry
• Award of Commendation for Outstanding leadership as principal art instructor for the Black Education, Black Op-portunity program
• Official artist of the 20th Anniversary Chicago Jazz Festival
• 2004 Artist of the Year from Valentine New York magazine. The artist's corporate collectors include:
Argo Financial Bank, Sanmar Financial Group, Alliance Relocation Corporation, UCAN Foundation, Gardner Rich and Co., 4th Presbyterian Church of Chicago, LaSalle Bank and Trust and Signature Management Group.