Walter Bailey
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Advanced Concept Designer and founder of the revolutionary aCRYLON aRTs Medium™ Walter Bailey discovered unique qualities of acrylic polymer synthetics, as aRT, in 1977. His ground-breaking journey, into 21st Century genres, transformed his traditional Visual aRT into award-winning “Must See” works of modern creative symmetry.
aCRYLONIC™ Reverse aRT Techniques repurposed acrylic polymer synthetic (Plexiglas) panels into the most interesting aRT medium since his 1960’s canvas mediums. From one-dimensional traditional acrylic panel paintings, to exclusive present light refractive 3-dimensional aRT Aint Flat No Mo™ curvature genres, Walters personal Signature aRT continue driving him towards a next creative horizon with synthetic panel aRT.
His “aRTistic Vision”, for the next tumultuous decade, is focused on advancing 22nd Century conceptual design with commercial synthetic mediums. His original aRTworks, distinguishable by its highly reflective “Vision Barrier”, and a unique “Liquid Sensation Look”, has inspired multiple exhibitions, lectures, displays and awards including Charles H. Wright Museum of African-American History Detroit 2017, SCOPE International Contemporary aRT Exhibition in Miami, Miami aRT Basel, and Chicago’s grand Gallery Guichard 2014. His Black History graphic supplements is used by Detroit Public Schools, University of Hartford, School of Education and Michigan public school third Grade Curricula. aRTistic achievements, awards, exhibitions and public aRT installations include two book covers, Bombay International Finalist 2014, Charles H. Wright Museums 2008 Legacy Award, aRT Forest Mural Projects and the International Institutes of Metropolitan Detroit’s 2019 Achievement Award. Finally, his work is found in private collections, museums exhibits, City of Detroit Municipal offices as well as aRT installations in public places and spaces.
Walter Bailey’s community aRTs initiatives extend to early mural projects, in 1960’s Hartford, Connecticut, where he refine his artistic talents, to Detroit community mural aRTs projects in 11TH Precinct, Krainzwoods and Farwell Parks. Today, Walter hosts cost-free aRT classes with emerging aRTist in local recreation centers and Detroit Public libraries. He strives to continue passing creative knowledge, to a next generation of creative aRTisans, for this century and the next.